Frequently Asked Questions

Etsy Addon

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:04 PM

As one of the world's largest marketplaces of handmade items, Etsy is a great place to buy and sell high-quality, hand-crafted products. The GoDaddy Email Marketing Etsy addon allows you to sync your Etsy shop listings with your composer, so you can easily add products to your email newsletters.

To Set Up The Etsy Addon:

  1. Click the Addons menu at the top of your page, and select Add more.
  2. Scroll to the Etsy option, and turn it on.
  3. Click Go set it up.
  4. Enter your Etsy Shop Name in the field on the Etsy page. If you don’t have an Etsy account, you can sign up here.
  5. Click on Link Shop to sync your shop with your account.

Using the Etsy Addon in Your Campaigns:

After you've linked your shop account, go back to your Dashboard tab. Click Edit on any campaign, or Compose to create a new one.

Once in the composer, you will now find a third tab on the right, next to Images and Themes: "Products". Click there to see all your Etsy products, in one place. Drag any product item from the sidebar into a Text, mixed Image & Text, or Image only module to add the item to your email newsletter. If you add it to a module with an image component, the product image will appear in the image area, in your campaign. If you drag it to a text module, you will just see the product description and link, in the text.

Etsy integration

At the bottom of the Products tab, there is a Refresh products button. Click this anytime to sync new Etsy Shop items to your Product sidebar.

Click to Sync new shop items

Design the rest of your campaign like normal :)

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