Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:04 PM

If you are new to GoDaddy Email Marketing and you’re not exactly sure where to start, this is a really good place. The unique design process is going to make your life a lot easier!

To Create and Send an Email Campaign

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click the Compose button on the right of your Dashboard, to begin a new campaign.
  3. Change the campaign title in the Untitled Campaign field.
  4. PRO TIP: The Campaign Title is different than the Subject Line of the email that sends. This Campaign Title is for your own, internal use. Learn more about the difference, here.

  5. Upload a banner image to your gallery to brand your emails.
  6. Drag your banner image into place.
  7. Make your banner image clickable, by adding a URL. Click on the pencil icon on the top right corner to add your link.
  8. To structure your email layout, you will use the following modules:
    Actions What it does . . .
    Add Text Module Click the Text module button to add a text module to your campaign. You will begin in Edit mode, with a series of tools at the bottom of your text module. You can format text into a Heading, or Subheading, make it bold, or add a link. Switching to Preview mode will allow you to see how your text module will look, but you must switch back to Edit mode (by toggling the Preview/Edit button, or clicking on the text you want to edit) to make any changes.
    Add Image Module Click the module button that says Image to add an image module to your campaign. Once the module is added, you can drag an image from the gallery on the right, into your module. You must upload an image to the gallery, before you can drag it into your image module, for use in your campaign.
    Add Image & Text Module Click either button that is a combination of Image & Text, to add a mixed module to your campaign. These modules will hold both an image and text, side-by-side. The order of the words on the button, is the order of the content from left to right.
    Add Section Titles Use the Section Title button to add a Section Title module. This is a special module that will only display your Section Title text type.
    Add Dividers Dividers work the same way as Section Titles (and all modules). A cool way to get a custom divider is to use an image module and drag your custom divider design (if you have one) into the image box. For this you need to add an image module, instead of the standard Divider module.
    Change Module Type You can click on the module type dropdown menu at the top right of each module to change the module type to something else. This works well for seeing if a righthand side or lefthand side image looks better in the mixed modules.
    Rearrange Content You can use the Drag tool (just click and hold) to drag content up and down. You can also use the menu to flip modules around (for example, to reverse image and text positions).
    Customize with Theme You can change colors, fonts, backgrounds to fluff up your style using the Themes tab on the right. Click the Theme tab, next to the Images tab.
  9. Once you're finished creating your email campaign, click Continue.
  10. Fill in the Send to individuals field, or select the Subscribers list to send to, and click Continue.
  11. Fill out the details under the Mailing Details tab, including 'from' name and address, subject line, and if you want to include Share Options. Then click Send.

Now you're ready to rock! Email marketing can be beautiful and effective, and nothing can reach out to your subscribers like a thoughtfully crafted email. Enjoy!

Related Topics

Details on Sending a Campaign
Creating Customized Themes
Adding Contacts to Your Subscribers Lists