Frequently Asked Questions

Creating Custom Themes

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:05 PM

In addition to pre-set theme options, you can create custom themes for your emails! If you're looking to match your emails to your site colors, a custom theme is the best way to do it.

To Create a Custom Theme:

  1. Make sure you're in edit mode. Click the Themes tab.
  2. Click the Create Theme button.
  3. Click
  4. Name your theme and choose:
    • Start from a clone of your current theme (your best option for small changes).
    • Create a totally new theme (great for fresh looks).
    Name your custom theme here, clone or start from default settings
  5. Click on any text type to customize the style.
  6. Custom theme Text Types
  7. Click on any section: font, color, size and alignment, to see the available choices.
  8. Custom Theme Fonts
  9. GoDaddy Email Marketing will preview your selection as you scroll through the options.
  10. Custom Theme Text Types
  11. Click the back arrow to return to the main list and repeat as needed.
  12. Custom Theme Back
  13. To access background colors, click the Backgrounds and Borders tab. Click the color box next to the theme element you want to color change.
  14. Theme Background Options
  15. Choose from a preselected palate of colors, or enter your hex code (if you know it) for more specific changes.
  16. Custom Color options
  17. Make sure to click Okay, I'm done when you have the settings you like. Your new custom theme is complete! It will always appear in your theme list for use with any campaign.
Related Topics:
How Do I Change My Fonts?
Centering or Justifying Text
Email Footer
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