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Everything You Need to Know About Signup Forms

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:04 PM

Email signup forms, or "web forms", are subscription boxes you can add to your site, blog, or social page to collect new email subscribers. All signups collected through your email signup form get added directly into your GoDaddy Email Marketing Subscribers.

Email Signup Forms Build High Value Email Lists

email signup form example

When you create a registration option specific to your email list, you know signups are definitely interested in receiving your content, via email! The best place to add an email signup form is somewhere prominent on your website, like your sidebar.

If you like to include customers in your email list, it's also best practice to include a separate email signup option during your purchase process.

What Information Do You Need To Collect?

Often, just an email address works. Keep it simple. If you don't need additional details for your email marketing, don't include it in the form. The most common fields to include in a form are name and email.

Email Signup Form How-To Guides:

Here's a collection of email signup form tutorials, click any topic for step-by-step details.

Creating Your Form: A step-by-step walkthrough of the basics

Advanced Form Options: Advanced tab menu choices explained, landing pages included!

Publishing Options: How to embed your signup form on your website.

Theme Options: Learn about the signup form style tools.

Manage Subscriptions: Allow your readers to control their own list subscriptions.

Social Options:

Facebook: Add a signup form to your Facebook business or fan page.

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