Frequently Asked Questions

Composer Module

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:04 PM

Modules are the building blocks of your email campaign. They let you create the layout you want, without getting stuck in any stodgy templates. Keep it fresh! Make it yours!

The module types available to you are always displayed at the bottom of your composer. Click on a module to add it and use it in your campaign. You can add as many modules as you want, and as many of the same kind as you need. No limits! Although, you should always be considering your reader's experience, receiving your creation :)

Module Buttons

Available Module Types:

Image & Text (image on the left, with text on the right)

Text & Image (image on the right side of the text block)

Text (only text, no image)

Image (only an image, no text)

Section Title (a special, top-line header text type)

Divider (a line to visually separate areas)

You can use modules in any combination to create the format you want for your campaign!

Related Topics:

More About Using the Composer
Text Module Formatting Options
Adding Images to Your Campaign
Changing Your Fonts
Customizing Your Style with Themes