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HTML Tricks and Tips

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:05 PM

Sometimes you reach a point where you need to do a little bit of customization and adding a small snippet of HTML is a neat way to spice up a campaign. We do stress the importance of not over-using these html tricks and tips. If you have many style changes to make, a custom theme is the way to go.

Also, accuracy counts! Always make sure you're using the html snippets correctly. Proof read, look for typos and test before sending out your email to your subscribers :)

Now, onto the tricks and tips...

How to center a Section Title, Heading or Sub-heading

How to change the font color within a paragraph

How to change the font size within a paragraph

How to change the font type within a paragraph

How to combine multiple style changes

How to Justify a paragraph

How to center a Section Title, Heading or Sub-heading:

The code:

This Will Center My Section Title

What to look out for: Make sure you "close" the tag at the end with a / like this: </center>


html tricks and tips 1: centering text


html tricks and tips 1: centering, ta da!

How to change the font color within a paragraph:

The code using a color name:

This text must stand out!

Using a hex code: You can select an even more specific color by using the color's hex code. That's a 6 character code that looks like this: #FF0000

You can find a list of codes here, or grab the exact code for a color on your website by using a color picker program.

The code using a color hex code:

This text must stand out!

What to look out for: Make sure you "close" the tag at the end with a / like this: </span>


html tricks and tips 2 color change before


html tricks and tips 2 color change after

How to change the font size within a paragraph:

The code:

Big Text!

Adjust the pixel number to change the size of the text. A smaller number makes the font size smaller and a larger number makes the font size bigger.

What to look out for: Make sure you "close" the tag at the end with a / like this: </span>


html tricks and tips 3 size change before


html tricks and tips 3 size change after

How to change the font type within a paragraph:

The code:

Verdana text

What to look out for: Make sure you "close" the tag at the end with a / like this: </span>


html tricks and tips 4 font change before


html tricks and tips 4 font change after

Now, lets put it all together!

The code:

Some blue text that really stands out!


html tricks and tips 5 combined changes before


html tricks and tips 5 combined changes after

How to justify A paragraph:

The code:

Enter the paragraph here

What to look out for: Make sure you "close" the tag at the end with a / like this: </p>


html tricks and tips 6 justify before


html tricks and tips, justify after

Related Topics:

Adding A Table Of Contents
Using Custom Html
Text Modules, An Overview
Using Campaign Tweaks Addon