Frequently Asked Questions

Analytics Explained: Growth

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:04 PM
Jump to: Setting Up The Subscribe Link | Encouraging Growth

What Does "Growth" Mean In My Email Analytics?

In GoDaddy Email Marketing's email analytics, the growth statistic is your signups and your unsubscribes. The total on the growth tab is calculated by taking your total subscribers from that newsletter, minus your total unsubscribes from that newsletter. This means that you may sometimes have a negative total in your growth tab.

Statistics page showing growth tab totals of subscribe and unsubscribe

The subscribers that are counted are only the folks who have signed up using the default signup form link -- in this email, only. Most often, and by default, this link is included in the campaign footer. However, you can use our Campaign Tweaks add-on feature to move that button to the top of your email, too.

mad mimi subscribe button at bottom of email

How Do I Set Up My Subscribe Link?

There are actually two different ways to add a link for people to sign up to your email. You must have a signup form already created, to do either -- and it must be set as your default signup form. For those first two steps, read on... Or jump to the second option of adding signup forms using a macro.

Adding the Default Subscribe Link button in the email footer

  1. Click on Signup Form option at the top of your page.
  2. Locate the form that you want to set as the default and hover to the right of the Share button. A Set as Default button will appear. Click to Set as default:
  3. hover and click to set as your default signup form in all GoDaddy email marketing

  4. Confirm your selection and you're done :)
  5. confirm default signup form for all email marketing

Adding Subscribe Links to your Email with a Macro

Additional subscribe links can be placed anywhere else in the campaign using this macro: [[subscribe]]

If you placed this in a text box with clickable text, it might look like: [Click here to subscribe]([[subscribe]])

Here's an example in the composer:

Subscribe Link in edit mode

The final result will look like this:

subscribe link final display

How Do I Encourage New Readers To Subscribe?

  • Encouraging your current readers to share your campaigns via the forward to a friend link, or on social sites is one of the best ways to build your subscribers and create growth. Your readers already value your content and are likely to want to help!
  • Link placement is another key factor in subscriber growth. As long as you set up your default signup form, we include a subscribe link in your campaign footer. But why not place a subscribe link at the top of your campaign, too? You can use the [[subscribe]] link macro, or try our campaign tweaks options.
  • You can also try offering special deals, or perks, to new subscribers. Loyal readers will enjoy sharing the special bonus with their friends. Offering a free e-book or other content lets your new subscribers preview the type of material they might find in your regular newsletters. This helps your subscribers grow with well-matched readers

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