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About Composing Email Messages

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 4:30 PM

When you compose an email message, if you have Internet Explorer 5.5 or later, you can use the Rich-Text (HTML) Editor to use word processing features, such as bold or adding a list. You format the message as you compose it.

NOTE:You can compose an email message using the Plain Text Editor, which does not allow you to format the message.

In addition to composing emails, you can compose and send text messages. In order to send a text message, you need to enter the recipient's cell phone number and phone service carrier in their address book entry. For more information about sending text messages, see Composing Text Messages.

From your settings, you can select which editor you want to use by default. Whenever you compose a message, the default editor displays. For more information about setting composing preferences, see Setting Composing Preferences.

When composing an email message, you can specify who the email message will be sent to, including copying or blind copying someone on the message. Typically, if you copy someone on a message, it implies the message is informational and does not need a reply. When you blind copy someone, the email address will not be visible to other users. If you have contacts in your address book, you can select them to add to your message.

Other options you can perform while composing a message are: adding a letterhead, sending a greeting card, adding attachments, encrypting the message, setting the priority (High, Normal, or Low), checking the spelling, and saving a draft.

NOTE: If you have Online File Folder, you can include a hyperlink to files in your Online File Folder.

When you enter information in a message and then close it a close confirmation gives the options of returning to the message, saving it as a draft, or closing it. This allows you to return to the message in the event that it was closed by accident.