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Checking Spelling in Email Messages

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Last Updated: November 10, 2008 4:08 PM

There are two methods of checking spelling in Web-Based Email: Web-Based Email Spell Check Tool and the Firefox 2.0 Spell Check Tool.

If you are unsure whether you are using the Web-Based Email Spell Check Tool or the Firefox 2.0 Spell Check Tool, see Setting Composing Preferences.

NOTE: Internet Explorer does not support the Firefox 2.0 Spell Check Tool. If you are using Internet Explorer, it defaults to the Web-Based Email Spell Check Tool.

To Check Spelling in an Email Message using the Web-Based Email Spell Check Tool

  1. Click the Compose button.
  2. After composing your message, click the Check Spelling button .
  3. If there are errors, the Spell Checker dialog box displays with the following information:
    • The number of errors displays in the upper right corner of the window. For example, "Results: 3 Errors."
    • In the Line with Error box, the first instance of the misspelling is identified by an asterisk (*) on either side of the word.
    • In the Error field, you can see the misspelled word.
    • In the Occurrences field, you can see the number of times the misspelled word is found in the email message.
    • In the Suggestions list, you can see a list of suggestions for replacing the word.
    • In the Change To field, you can see the suggested replacement for the word.
  4. To fix spelling in the word, either change the spelling in the Change To field or select the word from the Suggestions list.
  5. Select one of the following:
    Replace the word.
    Change All
    Replace all instances of the word.
    Ignore the word.
    Ignore All
    Ignore all instances of the word.
    Add to Dict
    Add the word to the dictionary so it does not display as a misspelled word.
  6. If there are more misspelled words, fix the next word.
  7. When finished, click OK.

To Check Spelling in an Email Message using the Firefox 2.0 Spell Check Tool

  1. Click the Compose button.
  2. Type your message. Spelling errors are underlined in red as your type.
  3. Right-click an underlined word.
  4. Select the correct spelling of the word or click Add to dictionary to add the word to Firefox's dictionary so it does not display as misspelled.