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About Files and Folders

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Last Updated: November 12, 2008 8:55 AM

You can manage files in your Online File Folder so that you can easily access them from any computer that has Internet access.

You add files to your Online File Folder, and then you use the features to view, download, copy, move, rename, and delete files. The combined size of all files in your Online File Folder must not exceed the disk space permitted by your plan.

You can view your files and folders in several ways. In the upper right corner, next to the navigation buttons, click the View icon that represents the View you want to use.

Displays a list of the files and folders in your Home directory.
Displays thumbnails of the files and folders in your Home directory.
Displays a large thumbnail of the selected file or folder with a filmstrip of all of the files and folders in your Home directory.
Displays a list of the files and folders in your Home directory. As you open a subfodler columns populate to the right of the parent folder.

NOTE: You can select the number of files and folders to display on each page. If your list displays on multiple pages, you can navigate to another page.

To manage files in your Online File Folder, you can compress, encrypt, share, and email stored files. For more information about compressing files, see About Compressing and Encrypting Files. For more information about sharing and emailing files, see About Sending and Sharing Files.

You can also manage your files by organizing them into folders that you add. Online File Folder automatically includes a root folder, and you can add folders and subfolders as needed. There is no limit to the number of folders you can add. You can also move, rename, and delete folders.

From your computer, you can set up a folder link to your Online File Folder. Using Windows Explorer, you can access the files in your Online File Folder. For more information, see Accessing Online File Folder from Your Desktop.