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Copying and Moving Files and Folders in Online File Folder

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Last Updated: October 9, 2008 2:48 PM

As you add more and more files and create more folders in your Online File Folder, you can organize your files and folders as necessary. You can move files to different folders within Online File Folder. You can also make folders subfolders of other folders. When moving files or folders, you can select to keep a copy of the file or folder in the current location as well.

To Move or Copy a File or Folder

  1. Log in to Online File Folder.
  2. Go to the Files tab.
  3. In the Folders list, click the folder that contains the file(s) or folder you want to move or copy.
  4. In the upper right corner, next to the navigation buttons, click the View icon that represents the View you want to use.
  5. Locate and select the file(s) you want to copy or move.

    NOTE: In some views you can just click additional files to select multiple files. In others, you may need to press the Shift key and then click additional files.

  6. Click the Actions icon, represented by a chevron or down arrow, click Copy/Move.

    NOTE: In the Thumbnail and Filmstrip views the Actions icon is located on the lower right corner of file image. For the List view, the Actions icon is located to the right of the file. In the Columns view, the Actions menu is located in the Preview column. When selecting multiple files, the Actions menu displays only for the file closest to the bottom and/or right side of the view.

  7. In the Copy/Move window, in the Choose Destination Folder section, locate and select the folder to which you want to move or copy the file or folder.
  8. In the Move files section, confirm your destination folder selection and the file name of the file you want to move or copy.
  9. If you want a copy of the file or folder in the destination folder as well as the current folder, select Leave copy in current location.
  10. Click OK.