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Inserting Tables in Email Messages

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 4:37 PM

When using the Rich Text Editor, you can insert tables in your Web-Based Email messages.

To Insert a Table in an Email Message

  1. Click the Compose button.
  2. If necessary, click the Rich Text tab.
  3. Click Insert Table, and set the following:
    The number of rows in the table.
    The number of columns in the table.
    Rows Height
    The height of the rows, in pixels.
    Column Width
    The width of the columns, in pixels.
    Cell Padding
    The amount of cell padding (the amount of space between the cell border and the text).
    Cell Spacing
    The amount of space between the table cells.
    The width of the border.
    The color for the border.
    Background Color
    The color for the background of the table.
  4. Click Insert.
  5. Continue composing your email message.

For more information, see Composing Email Messages.