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Importing Content from Previous Projects or Backup Files

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Last Updated: November 12, 2008 3:57 PM

With WebSite Tonight, you can import content from a backup file in your current project or from a Web site you previously built using WebSite Tonight 2.7. For more information about upgrading your project from a previous version of WebSite Tonight, see Upgrading Your WebSite Tonight 2.7 Project. For more information about backing up a project, see Backing Up or Restoring Your Web Site.

You can also import a photo album. For more information about importing a photo album from a backup file or from a previous project, see Importing Photo Albums from Previous Projects or Backup Files.

To Import Content from a Previous Project or Backup File

With WebSite Tonight, you can import content from a block into another block. The blocks don't have to belong on the same page. To import content you must make, or have made, a backup of your Web site. For information about backing up your Web site, see Backing up or Restoring Your Web Site

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Page Designer.
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page that contains the block you want to import to.
  4. Move your mouse to the block you want to add imported content to. The Options tab displays.
  5. Go to the Options tab and click Import.
  6. Select the content you want to import from the following fields:
    Select the Backup
    The version of your Web site that contains the content you want to import.
    Select the Page
    The page that contains the content you want to import.
    Select the Block
    The block that contains the content you want to insert.

    Note: You can preview the imported content in the Content Preview window.

  7. Click OK.