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Viewing Account Information and Project Details

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Last Updated: November 12, 2008 3:53 PM

You can view a general overview of your entire WebSite Tonight project, including details about the number of pages and amount of space being used in your project. The size of your hosting account is calculated daily. Recent updates to your hosting account may not be included in the current total. You can also access tools and resources, such as a site-wide spell checker.

To View Account Information and Project Details

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. Click Home.
  3. You can view the following:
    Account Overview
    Displays the amount of disk space available in the project and gives you additional options for completing tasks. Also displays the number of pages used in the project and the name of the template you're using, and it gives you options for completing additional tasks.
    Tools and Resources
    Displays the tools and resources available for your use.
    Publishing Summary
    Displays publishing information and gives you additional options for completing tasks.
    What's New?
    Displays information about new features.
    Build Web Pages list
    To design your site, select a page from the Build Web Pages list.
    To organize your Web site, click Organize Site. For more information, see Organizing Your Web Site Using the Organize Site Window.
    Back Up/Restore
    To back up or restore a file, click Back Up/Restore. For more information about backing up a project or restoring a previous project, see Backing Up or Restoring Your Web Site.
    Hosting Settings
    To access settings for your hosting account, click Hosting Settings.

    Note: When you click Hosting Settings, the Hosting Control Center opens. For additional assistance, you can peruse the articles in the Hosting Resource Center by clicking the button under Help Resources.

    Password Protect
    To password protect a page, click Password Protect. For more information, see Adding Password Protection to Web Pages.
    Publish Web Site
    To publish your Web site, click Publish Web Site. For more information, see Publishing Your Web Site.