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Managing Your Guestbook

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Last Updated: March 9, 2009 12:12 PM

With WebSite Tonight, you can add a user friendly guestbook to your Web site. You can set your guestbook to allow entries to post automatically or require your approval before being posted. Post are generally submitted immediately upon submission, yet times may vary depending upon the user's Internet connection and Internet traffic.

To Manage Your Guestbook Settings

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Add-Ons menu, select Guestbook.
  3. Click Manage Guestbook Entries.
  4. In the Guestbook Administration box, enter the following:
    WebSite Tonight Domain
    Enter the domain name of the website tonight account in which you are currently working.
    User Name
    Enter the user name you entered when setting up your guestbook.
    Enter the password you entered when setting up your guestbook
  5. Click Log In. The Guestbook Settings page displays.

    From the Guestbook Settings page, you can edit the following:

    Guestbook Name
    Enter the name you want to appear as the title of your guestbook.
    Approval Type for New Comments
    Selecting Manual will ensure that entries are not published without your approval. Selecting Automatic will allow guestbook entries to be posted without your approval.
    Profanity Filter
    Select Use Profanity filter to prevent words contained in the Word List from being posted in the guestbook. To edit the word list, click the Edit Word List link and enter any words you would like to filter. Click Use Default List to open a list of predetermined words. You may add or delete any word, from any list, as you see fit.
  6. Click Save to save your changes.
  7. Click cancel to cancel changes.

To Manage Guestbook Entries

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Add-Ons menu, select Guestbook.
  3. Click Manage Guestbook Entries. The Guestbook Administration page displays.
  4. In the Guestbook Administration box, enter the following:
    WebSite Tonight Domain
    Enter the domain name of the website tonight account in which you are currently working.
    User Name
    Enter the user name you entered when setting up your guestbook.
    Enter the password you entered when setting up your guestbook
  5. Click Log In.
  6. You may view entries listed in the following three categories:
    Enter the name you want to appear as the title of your guestbook.
    Selecting Manual will ensure that entries are not published without your approval. Selecting Automatic will allow guestbook entries to be posted without your approval.
    Selecting Manual will ensure that entries are not published without your approval. Selecting Automatic will allow guestbook entries to be posted without your approval.

To Manage Account Options

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Add-Ons menu, select Guestbook.
  3. Click Manage Guestbook Entries. The Guestbook Administration page displays.
  4. In the Guestbook Administration box, enter the following:
    WebSite Tonight Domain
    Enter the domain name of the website tonight account in which you are currently working.
    User Name
    Enter the user name you entered when setting up your guestbook.
    Enter the password you entered when setting up your guestbook
  5. Click Log In.
  6. Click Account Info link to edit your personal information.
  7. Click Change Password to change your password.

To Set Approval and Notification Options for New Comments

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Add-Ons menu, select Guestbook.
  3. Click Manage Guestbook Entries. The Guestbook Administration page displays.
  4. In the Guestbook Administration box, enter the following:
    WebSite Tonight Domain
    Enter the domain name of the website tonight account in which you are currently working.
    User Name
    Enter the user name you entered when setting up your guestbook.
    Enter the password you entered when setting up your guestbook
  5. Click Log In. The Guestbook Settings page displays.
  6. In the Approval Type for New Comments section, you can:
    • Select Manual if you want your approval to be required before a comment can be posted
    • Select Automatic if you want comments to be posted without your approval
  7. Select Send email notification when a new comment is added if you want to receive an email message every time a comment is added to your guestbook.