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About WebSite Tonight

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Last Updated: February 12, 2009 2:55 PM

WebSite includes many newly designed templates, giving you more options to choose from. The CSS based templates allow you to change templates without losing content. You can redesign your site at any time without having to re-enter your content. This gives you the ability to continually adjust your site to meet your needs.

The WebSite Tonight Home page gives you a quick overview of your Web site and allows you to easily access your account information, Web site statistics, tools and resources, and other features. The home page also gives you easy access to some of the most common functions such as site organization, hosting settings, and publishing. Account information such as pages used, available disk space, bandwidth, and a publishing summary are clearly displayed, making site management quick and easy. From the home page, you can easily upgrade your account to accommodate more pages, disk space, or bandwidth if you need to.

WebSite Tonight includes tools and resources that give you added control of your Web site. You can apply password protection to one or more of your Web pages so that only visitors you give the password to can access those pages. WebSite Tonight allows you to create up to 10 backup files of your Web site project or restore a previously saved version of your project at any time. If the unexpected happens and you lose some valuable content, there's no need to panic. Simply restore your site from a saved copy. WebSite Tonight also gives you access to free statistics regarding visitor traffic to your Web site. The Visitor Statistics page gives you a detailed report regarding the path visitors take to get to your site and how they navigate through it. Or, upgrade to Site Analytics to get more detailed and in depth information to help you analyze your Web site and look for areas where you can make improvements.

WebSite Tonight includes many extra features that make it an incredible value. Some noteworthy features include:

Easily set up a forum where visitors can interact and share ideas.
You can also add a guestbook that allows visitors to leave comments, contact information, or share thoughts about your website or business.
Quickly add forms to your site that allow visitors to submit information to you. Choose from a large assortment of form templates or create your own.
Sample Content
Select from an assortment of content templates including, coupons, baby announcement, event scheduler, loan calculators, and more!

With WebSite Tonight, if you want more information or customer support, help is always just a click away. A user friendly interface and helpful tool tips make designing your site an enjoyable experience. You will be amazed at how quick and easy it is to build a complete Web site with website Tonight 4.0.

For information about setting up WebSite Tonight for the first time, see Setting Up WebSite Tonight for the First Time.

For a guided walk through of setting up WebSite Tonight and designing your Web site, see Getting Started with WebSite Tonight 4.0.

For information about the new Page Designer feature in WebSite Tonight, see Adding and Editing Content Using the Page Designer.

For information about customizing the design of your Web site, see Can I customize WebSite Tonight's designs?.

For information about WebSite Tonight's System Requirements, see WebSite Tonight System Requirements.