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Adding and Editing Content Using the Page Designer

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Last Updated: November 12, 2008 4:21 PM

From the Page Designer page, you can add, edit, and format your Web site content. For example, you can change the font colors, make your text bold or underlined, and align text to your specifications using the text formatting tools located at the top left corner of the page.

The Page Designer page includes a tab-based toolbar that allows you to add and edit specialized content. The three tabs found on the tool contain the following:

Add a page, change your layout, edit navigation or template images or preview your page as it displays in a Web browser..
Select from a large assortment of objects to insert into your Web page. Easily insert objects such as video, Flash, music, RSS feed, JavaScript, table, or a contact form.
When you open a content block the Options tab displays. You can delete the block, share the block with another Page, clear the contents of the block, or move the block to another location on the page.

To add content to your Web Page

To add content to a Web page, you will need to add the content to a content block. Content blocks are outlined in blue.

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Page Designer .
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page you want to edit.
  4. Click the block you want to add content to.
  5. Position your cursor where you want to add your content.
  6. You can begin entering text or use the toolbar at the top of the page to add content.

Note: From the Edit Content window, you can design your pages using What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG), where you can view the changes as you make them, or you can click HTML to design your site using HTML tags to format your content. To return to WYSIWYG click Design.

For a list of articles about adding and editing content on your Web page, see Adding and Editing Page Content.

For information about adding a table to your Web site, see Inserting Tables.

For information about adding objects to your Web site, see Adding Objects to Your Web Page.

For information about adding a form to your Web site, see What is a Form?.