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WebSite Tonight System Requirements

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Last Updated: February 12, 2009 9:12 AM

For Building a Web Site Using WebSite Tonight

With WebSite Tonight you can design, build, publish, and manage your Web site online; all you need is an Internet connection and Windows® compatible Web browser.

To use WebSite Tonight to build your Web site, please ensure you are using Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6.0 or later Web browser (v7.0 recommended) or Mozilla's Firefox 2.0 or later. Currently, Mac users may use Safari or Mozilla's Firefox browser (Version 2.0 or later) to build a Web site using WebSite Tonight. WebSite Tonight runs on Microsoft Windows and Mac operating systems. Other operating systems are currently unsupported.

You can download Firefox, free of charge, by visiting

While your specific computer hardware and the type of Internet connection you use play a big role in how fast or slow any Web application works, WebSite Tonight can be used on a wide variety of systems, regardless of the type of Internet connection you use; whether dial-up, DSL, or high-speed Internet.

For Viewing a Web Site Built Using WebSite Tonight

Your Web site is rendered so that it can be viewed by any of the following Web browsers, regardless of the platform you used when building your Web site, including:

PC users:

  • Internet Explorer v6.0 or later
  • Firefox™ v2.0 or later
  • America Online® 7.0 or later
  • MSN® 8.0 or later
  • or any number of common Web browsers

Mac users:

  • Safari™
  • Internet Explorer for Mac
  • Firefox version or above, for Mac

NOTE: If you are a subscriber of AOL®, Earthlink®, or any other service that provides a unique browser for you to access the Internet, we suggest you minimize your primary browser and open Internet Explorer to access and work in WebSite Tonight.