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Backing up or Restoring Your Web Site

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Last Updated: October 9, 2008 2:43 PM

WebSite Tonight allows you to manually create up to five (5) backup copies of your Web site, and if necessary, restore your Web site from a backup version. Before you can restore a previous version of your Web site, you must have created a backup copy. The restore options do not display if you haven't created a backup copy.

NOTE: If you reach the maximum number of saved files, the system automatically deletes the oldest files to make room for the new saved project. Otherwise, you can free space by manually deleting saved files before you save additional copies of your project.

To Back Up Your Web Site

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Manage menu, select Backup/Restore. The Backup and Restore page displays.
  3. In the Enter a name for this copy field, specify the name for the backup file.
  4. Click Save Web Site.

To Restore a Backup Copy of Your Web Site

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Manage menu, select Backup/Restore.
  3. In the Restore a Previous Project area, click the Restore button for the project you want to restore. The Restore button is located in the Restore column of the list.
  4. To make a backup copy of your current Web site before restoring the saved copy, click OK. WebSite Tonight restores the saved copy of your project.

NOTE: WebSite Tonight also creates two (2)auto-backups that are created during template changes and three (3) pre-publish backups.