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Adding a Blog URL to Your Blog Photo List

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Last Updated: October 23, 2008 2:44 PM

You can send images from your Photo Album accounts directly to your blog. However, you're not limited to just one blog; you can add multiple blogs to your Blog Photo list, so you can easily select a specific blog to send a specific image as an entry.

To Add a Blog to Your Blog Photo List

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Photo Album.
  3. In your Photo Album Account list, click Manage Account next to the account you want to modify.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Click the Blog Settings tab.
  6. Click Add Blog.
  7. Enter the required blog information:
    Blog URL
    Enter the full URL of your blog. For example, To use the Blog Photo feature, your blog must support the MetaWeblog API and RSD.
    Blog User Name
    Enter the user name you use to manage your blog.
    Blog Password
    Enter the password you use to manage your blog.
  8. (Optional) Click Send a test post. This step sends a test post to your blog to validate the settings you've entered. You can delete it once it displays in your blog.
  9. Click Save.

For assistance sending photo blog entries to your blog, see Blogging Photos.