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Adding and Editing Photo Captions and Titles

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Last Updated: August 25, 2008 3:11 PM

By default, Photo Album uses the photo's file name as the title, but you can edit it at any time. You can also add and edit a photo caption.

If you use the Advanced Uploading Tool to add photos, you can edit the title before you upload the photo. For more information, see the "To Add Photos to a Photo Gallery Using the Advanced Uploading Tool" section in Adding Photos to Photo Galleries.

To Add or Edit a Photo Caption and Title from the Photo Gallery

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Photo Album.
  3. In your Photo Album Account list, click Manage Account next to the account you want to modify.
  4. Select the gallery you want to view.
  5. Click the photo title. The title displays in a text box, and a caption text box displays below it.
  6. Update the title and caption as necessary.
  7. Click Save.