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Uploading Photos by Email

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Last Updated: August 25, 2008 3:21 PM

If you enabled the Upload via Email feature in your Photo Album account, you can email photos to automatically upload to your account. For more information about enabling upload via email, see Enabling Upload via Email .

You email photos to either of the address listed in the Email address field on your Upload via Email tab. You can upload via email by using your domain name, or user name, in the To field.

For more information about locating your Photo Album email address, see Viewing Your Email Address..

To Email Photos to Your Account for Uploading

  1. In your email account, compose a new message.
  2. In the To field, enter your Photo Album email address. You have two addresses to choose from; select the address that is easier for you to remember.
  3. In the Subject field, enter your security code.
  4. Attach the photo and send the message.