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Adding and Editing a Blog Post in Quick Blogcast

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Last Updated: February 26, 2009 9:09 AM

The New Entry page is your starting point for adding blog entries, podcasts, video, images, or any combination of these.

To Add a New Entry

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. Click Manage Account next to the blog account you want to modify.
  4. From the Manage Entries menu, click New Entry.
  5. Supply the following information:
    Type the blog post title. The title should explain the contents of the blog post and draw readers' attention.
    Categories are optional, but help to organize your posts for both you and your readers. For previously used categories, you can select them from the Categories section on the left.
    Tags are optional, but help to organize your posts for both you and your readers. For previously used tags, you can select them from the Tags section on the left.
  6. Enter and format the body of your entry in the text box using the following options:
    Select the formatting style you want to use.
    Font Name
    Select the font you want to use.
    Select the font size you want to use. The font size ranges from 1 to 6; 1 is the smallest and 6 is the largest.
    Font Color Picker
    Select the font's color.
    Bolds the text.
    Makes the text italic.
    Underlines the text.
    Draws a line through the text.
    Numbered List
    Creates a numbered list.
    Bulleted list
    Creates a bulleted list.
    Increase Indent or Decrease Indent
    Indent or decrease the amount of indented space for the paragraph.
    Insert Table
    Insert a table of a specified size into the header or footer.
    Cut content from the page (which you intend to paste in a different location).
    Cut content from the page (which you intend to paste in a different location).
    Adds cut or copied content to the field.
    Spell Check
    Checks the spelling in the header and footer.
    Insert Image from the Gallery
    Insert an image from the gallery or upload your own custom image.
    Insert File
    Insert a file from the My Files area. Inserted files appear as links in the blog post.
    Insert Link
    Adds a hyperlink. Highlight the text you want to add a hyperlink to, click Create Link, select the type of link, and enter the link information. Click OK.
  7. In the Entry Settings section, you can configure the following settings:
    Select if you want to save the entry as a Draft or Publish the entry when you click Save. Saving in Draft status is helpful if you want to create an entry, but are not ready to have it display on your site.
    Enter the date and time that you want to display in the time/date stamp.
    Comments status
    Select if you want to allow comments and set the default status of comments made to Open or Closed.
    Allow trackbacks
    Select if you want to allow trackbacks and set their status as Open or Closed. Trackbacks let you know if someone is linking to your article.
    Outgoing Trackbacks
    Enter one or more URLs that you want to notify of the creation of your entry. You can ping (notify) other blogs that you refer to in your entry or online blog directories.
    Specify the name you want to use for the permanent link to this blog entry. If you do not specify a Permalink name, Quick Blogcast assigns a name after you save the entry. The Permalink name cannot be edited after the entry is published. This will create a link that goes directly to the entry you are creating. You can add this link anywhere you want to send someone directly to this entry.
  8. In the Categories section, click a category to add it to your entry. You can create a category by entering the category name in the text box and clicking Add. For more information, see Managing Quick Blogcast Categories.
  9. In the Tags section, click a tag to add it to your entry. You can create a tag by entering the tag name in the text box and clicking Add. For more information, see Managing Quick Blogcast Tags.
  10. In the Excerpts section you can select an excerpt to display on the main page if your blogcast site. This gives readers a preview of what the post is about. To create an excerpt of the entry, highlight any portion of your entry and click Excerpt. For more information about creating excerpts, see Creating Excerpts for Blog Entries.
  11. If you are adding a podcast, click Add Podcast. For information about adding a podcast, see Adding a Podcast Entry.
  12. If you are adding a video, click Add Video. For more information about adding video, see Uploading Video to Quick Blogcast.
  13. Click Save.

To Edit an Entry

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. Click Manage Account next to the blog account you want to modify.
  4. From the Manage Entries menu, click Entries.
  5. Click on the title of the entry you want to edit.
  6. Edit your entry.
  7. Click Save.
NOTE: If your entry was published before editing, you don't need to publish the entry to display your edits. Your entry is automatically updated.