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Adding an Ordered List

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:03 PM

An ordered list is any list of items, with consecutive numbers. You can have GoDaddy Email Marketing add in those numbers for you, automatically.

  1. In any text module, add in your list of content, that you want to be numbered.
  2. NOTE: It's best if you make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces on any of the lines of text. And the lines must be consecutive -- no broken spaces in between items!

  3. Then simply highlight the list, in edit mode.
  4. Click the button below, with the numbers:
  5. Numbers, in consecutive order, will appear to the left of each item:
  6. Now your list is perfect! Click the Preview button at the top of the module, to see the list in action.
  7. Related Topics:

    Adding an Unordered List
    More About Modules
    Other Text Module Formatting Options