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Add Contacts to an Existing List

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Last Updated: June 2, 2015 2:57 PM

While importing contacts to your subscribers, you can choose to put those contacts into a list that you've already created. You can select the list after you've opened the Add contacts window, and have input your contact details. For more information on these steps, see: Add contacts

  1. Click the drop down menu at the bottom of the Add contacts window. This drop down contains all your existing lists.
  2. Select the subscriber list you want to add your contacts to. After you click the list, the drop down menu will collapse, and display your new list name.
  3. Click Add Contact(s) and you're done! You'll see your new list, with your contacts, in the subscribers sidebar.

You can use this method when re-segmenting, or doing any kind of maintenance on your lists. And you don't have to worry about creating any duplicate subscribers.

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