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Setting Delete, Second Toolbar, and Security Preferences

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 2:38 PM

You can specify your preferences for the new mail alert sound, deleting old messages, and SSL security. You can also enable items to display on the second toolbar in your List view.

To Set Delete, Second Toolbar, and Security Preferences

  1. From the Settings menu, click Display Settings.
  2. Go to the Other tab.
  3. To enable or change the alert sound you hear when you receive new messages, from the New Mail Sound list, select None or one of the available alert sounds. Click Preview to hear a sample of the sound you selected.
  4. To permanently delete messages instead of sending deleted messages to the Trash folder, select Delete messages immediately.
  5. To retain your message selections after you apply an action, select Keep message selections.
  6. To add an additional toolbar below your Action Bar, from the Enable 2nd Toolbar list, select the buttons you want to add to the second row toolbar.
  7. To increase security when viewing email messages, select Use Full-Time SSL Mode.

    NOTE: Increased security may cause some email messages to load slower, depending on what the email contains, such as images hosted on third-party servers.

  8. Click OK.