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About Display Preferences

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Last Updated: July 31, 2008 12:14 PM

About Display Preferences

Through the Display Preferences, you can customize the behavior and appearance of your Web-Based Email client. You can modify information on the following tabs:

Set the time zone and date format, specify the amount of idle time that can elapse before the system logs you off, and specify how often to refresh your folders.
Specify whether to display attached images in the email message, enable the message preview in the message list, and specify the behavior for the action you want to take after you view a message.
Specify your preferences for your composing window, such as whether it opens in a separate window, automatically checks spelling before sending an email message, automatically saves drafts of composed messages, and automatically adds a new contact to your address book when you reply to an email message from the contact.
Specify how to display your scheduled tasks and events.
Action Bar
Select which icons you want to display in your action bar in the message list and individual message views.
Select a color theme to use with your Web-Based Email user interface.
Specify preferences for deleting old messages, enabling toolbar items, and increasing security.