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Customizing Your Action Bar

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 2:24 PM

You can add buttons to your Action Bar at the top of your List view and Message View in Web-Based Email so that you have quick and easy access to the tools that you use most often. You can add up to six (6) buttons in your List view and five (5) buttons in your Message view. If you leave a space blank on the Action Bar representation, a space displays in that location in your Action Bar. Buttons remaining in the Available Buttons list display as options in the More Actions drop-down menu.

To Add Buttons to your Action Bar

  1. From the Settings menu, select Display Settings.
  2. Go to the Action Bar tab.
  3. Drag a button from the Available list to the location on the Action Bar representation where you want the button to display.

The button is added to the Action Bar in the location you specified. If a button is already selected for that location, the new one replaces it and the previous one is moved back to the Available list.

To Remove a Button from your Action Bar

  1. From the Settings menu, select Display Settings.
  2. Go to the Action Bar tab.
  3. Drag the button off of the Action Bar representation.

The button is moved back to the Available list.

NOTE: You have the option of enabling an additional Toolbar, which displays below the Action Bar, from the Other tab.