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Adding Forms to Your Web Site Articles

Adding Forms to Your Web Site

A Web page form allows users to input and submit data, such as order information or...

Adding Blank Forms

With WebSite Tonight, you can add a blank form to your Web site, specifying the...

Adding and Editing Form Buttons

A form element is part of a form. You must add a form before you can add a form...

Using Forms in the Page Designer

A Web page form allows users to input and submit data, such as order information or...

Adding and Editing a List Within a Form

WebSite Tonight gives you the tools you need to build a form that visitors can...

Adding and Setting Properties for Checkboxes

With WebSite Tonight, you can add a form to your Web site, specifying the details for...

Adding and Setting Properties for Radio Buttons

A form element is part of a form. You must add a form before you can add a form...

Adding Form Elements

WebSite Tonight gives you the tools you need to build a form that visitors can...

What is a Web form?

A Web page form in WebSite Tonight allows users to input and submit data, such as...

Adding and Setting Properties for Form Fields in Forms

To Add a Form Field to a Form Log in to your WebSite Tonight account....