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Adding and Setting Properties for Form Fields in Forms

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Last Updated: December 2, 2008 12:15 PM

To Add a Form Field to a Form

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Launch Page Designer .
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page that contains the form you want to edit.
  4. Click the form you want to edit.
  5. Go to the Options tab, and then click Edit Form.
  6. In the form, click on the row above which you want to add a new form field.
  7. From the Insert Field list, select Text Box or Text Area, and then click Add.
  8. In the Enter a label for the new field dialog box, specify the text you want to use as the label for the new text box or text area.
  9. Click OK.

Note: To assign properties to the text field, modify the properties in the Text Box/Area Properties section.

To Set Form Field Properties

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Launch Page Designer.
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page you want to edit.
  4. Click the form you want to edit.
  5. Go to the Options tab, and then click Edit Form.
  6. Click the form field you want to edit. The Properties section displays below the Insert Field field.
  7. You can edit any or all of the following:
    The label of the form field.
    A description of the field or action to let the user know what is expected.
    Default text that displays in the text box or text area.
    The font size of the text that displays in the text box or text area.
    Specify the length in number of characters that the text box or text area can handle.
    For checkboxes and radio buttons, indicates if option available.
    Specify the number of rows in the text box or text area.
    Specify the number of columns in the text box or text area.
    Specify an option for wrapping text.
    Requires users to complete this field.
    For checkboxes and radio buttons, indicates if option is selected by default.
  8. (Optional) To move the form field above the previous item in the form, click Move Up.
  9. (Optional) To move the form field below the next item in the form, click Move Down.