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Adding a Favicon

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Last Updated: November 14, 2008 9:53 AM

WebSite Tonight gives you the option of adding a favicon to your site.

A favicon (or favorites icon) is an icon that is associated with a particular Web page or site. When a visitor bookmarks your site, the favicon will display next to the name of your Web page in their favorites list.

In many browsers, your favicon will display before the URL in the address bar. This helps a site stand out in a list of favorites and creates a customized appearance in the visitor's browser. Favicons are a popular way to draw attention to, and promote a Web site. Favicons are often corporate logos or images.

Note: Your favicon must be 16x16 pixels in size. Favicons must be rendered as .ico files to function properly in Internet Explorer. Other browsers support .jpg, .gif. and .png files.

To Add a Favicon to Your Site

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Settings menu, select Site.
  3. In the Favicon area, click Browse.
  4. Select the favicon image you want upload.
  5. Click OK.