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Creating, Editing, and Deleting Custom Meta Tags

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Last Updated: October 9, 2008 2:52 PM

To promote your Web site on the Internet, you should enter concise and explicit Meta data content for your Web pages. With WebSite Tonight, you can create custom Meta tags if you want to include additional information. Search engines use this information to list web sites in searches.

Note: You may also create a Meta tag that prevents search engines from indexing your web site (meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow").

To Create a Custom Meta Tag

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Page Designer.
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page you want to set the properties for.
  4. Click Show Properties . (Located above the toolbar)
  5. Click Add Meta Tag.
  6. In the Name field, type the name of the Meta tag. For example, to create a meta tag that lists the description of your page on the search engine you would use a "description" meta tag.
  7. In the Content field, type the keywords you want to add. Using the same example as above, you type "index, follow".

    NOTE: You can also add a Meta tag for Google® Webmaster Tools. For more information, see Configuring Google® Webmaster Tools.

  8. To add the custom Meta tag to all of your web pages, select the checkbox in the All? column.
  9. Click Apply.
  10. Click OK.

Please click on a topic below for more information

To Edit a Custom Meta Tag

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Page Designer.
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page you want to set the properties for.
  4. Click Show Properties . (Located above the toolbar)
  5. In the Custom Meta Tags area, click the Edit button for the Meta tag you want to edit.
  6. Edit the Meta tag. For more information, see the To Create a Custom Meta Tag section above.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click OK.

To Delete a Custom Meta Tag

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Page Designer.
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page you want to set the properties for.
  4. Click Show Properties . (Located above the toolbar)
  5. In the Custom Meta Tags area, click the Delete button for the Meta tag you want to delete.
  6. Click OK.