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Downloading Additional Fonts for Your Web Site

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Last Updated: February 17, 2009 10:32 AM

You can choose from over 150 font styles to use when adding text to your WebSite Tonight images. Many of these images are default headings in your Web page templates, which you can customize to your style by using unique fonts. You create these headings as images so they display correctly on other computers, regardless of whether the font is available on another user's computer. These fonts are not available for use as normal text.

Because these fonts reside on our servers, you can only view them if you download the fonts or when you preview the image or add it to a page.

To Download Font Styles

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Manage menu, select Fonts.
  3. Click Download Fonts.
  4. Click Run to install the fonts to your computer.

After you download the fonts, you can view them as you edit an image. For more information, see Adding Text to Images.