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Adding Pages to Your Web Site

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Last Updated: March 4, 2009 8:38 AM

With WebSite Tonight, you can add an unlimited number of pages to your Web site, but you can only publish the number of pages that your plan allows. To specify which pages to publish, you can select the pages when organizing your Web site.

NOTE: If you have a .mobi domain name, you can only add mobile page layouts; you cannot add traditional page layouts.

To Add a Page to Your Web Site

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Manage menu, select Organize Site .
  3. Click Add Page.
  4. Select Blank Page or Pre-Built Page. If you select a pre-built page, select a site type from the Site Type list and a page from the Page list. Pre-built pages are pages that contain a design and sample content based on the selected site and page type. For more information, see What are Pre-Built Sites?
  5. In the Enter Your Page Title field, enter a title for the page.

    For information about page titles, see What is a page title and why do I need one?.

  6. If you are adding a blank page, specify the layout you want to use. If you selected a pre-built page, the layout is selected for you.
  7. Click OK.

    Note: When the Organize Site page displays, WebSite Tonight completes the rest of the fields on the page. You can edit the following fields fields or click OK to complete the process.

  8. If your new page will be your home page, select Make this page the Home Page.
  9. If you don't want the page to be published, select Do not publish this page.
  10. In the Button Title field, enter the name you want to display on the button that links to this page from other pages.
  11. In the Browser Title field, enter the title you want to display in the browser's title bar.
  12. In the Heading Title field, enter the main heading for the page.
  13. In the Filename field, enter the name you want to save the page as.
  14. To allow WebSite Tonight to automatically reset the navigation buttons on your Web site pages to reflect changes you made on the Organize Site page, select Reset page navigation.

    NOTE: This will overwrite any settings or subnavigation you may have added from the Edit Navigation page.

  15. Click OK.