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What are Pre-Built Sites?

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Last Updated: July 3, 2008 3:29 PM

When you set up WebSite Tonight for the first time, you have the option of selecting pre-built sites. Pre-built sites give you a head start in building particular types of Web sites. Pages, page titles, navigation buttons, and layouts specifically tailored to the type of site you select are automatically added to your Web site. Pre-built sites include content specific to the type of site you are building. When you are ready to add content, you can delete existing content and replace it with your own. Pre-built sites are a great way to see how your finished site will display on the Internet. You also have the option of customizing your site at any time. If you select a pre-built site, you can change layout, template, color theme, and any other content, at any time.

For information about setting up your web site for the first time, see Setting Up Your Web Site for the First Time.