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Managing Settings for Quick Blogcast

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Last Updated: April 24, 2008 12:08 PM

In the Quick Blogcast Settings page, you can specify all of your blog site details, including settings for general blog information, blogcast entries and discussions, email blogging, remote blogging, and hot keys. You can change these settings at any time.

To Access Quick Blogcast Settings

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. In the QuickBlogcast list, click Manage Account next to the account you want to modify.
  4. From the Manage Blog menu, select Settings.
  5. Update the information you want to change on the following tabs:
    Update general information for your blog, such as time zone, title, and URL. For additional information on working in this section, see Setting General Quick Blogcast Options.
    Specify settings that apply to each entry you create. This step saves you the effort of configuring these settings each time you add an entry. For additional information on working in this section, see About Entry Settings.
    Set your blog comment details, such as how comments display, whether trackbacks are allowed, and whether comments must be moderated.. For additional information on working in this section, see Setting Discussion Options.
    Remote Blogging
    Enable this option to allow Quick Blogcast authors to create blog entries from desktop clients, online clients, and personal digital assistants (PDA). For additional information on working in this section, see Setting Remote Blogging Options.
    Email Blogging
    Update your email blogging settings, such as the send from email address and whether you want to moderate entries before they go live. For additional information on working in this section, see Setting Email Blogging Options.
    Hot Keys
    Set up hot keys to insert text in your comments using the Ctrl key and any available keystroke. For additional information on working in this section, see Setting Hot Key Options.
    Set general podcasts settings, such as summary, category, title, and author. For additional information on working in this section, see About Podcast Settings.
    Add meta elements to your blog to provide information that helps search engines categorize the blog site correctly. For additional information on working in this section, see Adding Meta Tags to Your Site.