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About Quick Blogcast Entry Settings

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Last Updated: March 12, 2009 10:52 AM

Quick Blogcast allows you to specify settings that apply to each entry you create. This saves you the effort of configuring these settings each time you add an entry.

To Set Entry Options

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. Click Manage Account next to the blog account you want to modify.
  4. From the Manage Blog menu, click Settings.
  5. Click the Entries tab.
  6. You can edit any of the following settings:
    Select the format you want to use for adding and editing entries. You can select a Rich or Simple text editor. Rich text allows you to apply text formatting.
    Date Format
    Select the format you want to use for displaying dates.
    Enable Automatic Excerpting
    Automatically create an excerpt of your blog entry. Excerpts are short snippets of your blog entry that are used in trackbacks and may be used in RSS feeds.
    Excerpt Size
    Specify the number of words or sentences you want to include in automatically created excerpts.
    Default Entry Status
    Se the status you want to assign to all new entries. Select Draft if you want to manually publish your entries. Select Published if you want your entries automatically published when you save them. Draft is selected by default.
    Default Comment Status
    Set the status you want to assign to all new comments and trackbacks. Selecting Open allows others to leave comments. Open is selected by default.
    Default Trackback Status
    Specify the status you want to assign to all new comments and trackbacks. Selecting Open allows your entries to send and receive trackbacks. A trackback notifies you when another Web Site or blog links to your entry. Other sites can be notified if you link to one of their articles as well. Both sites need to enable trackbacks for proper functioning. In Quick Blogcast, trackbacks are enabled by default.
    Default Comment View
    Select to view either all comments or only pending comments on the Manage Comments page.
    Enable Trackback Autodiscovery
    Automatically check your links to determine if the blog you link to allows trackbacks.
    # of Entries to Display
    Select the number of entries you want to display on each page. If you select to display All, the Entry sort direction list displays.
    Entry Sort Direction
    Select how entries will display on your blogcast page. Your options are Newest to Oldest or Oldest to Newest. If you select All from the # of entries to display list, the Entry Sort Direction list displays.
    # of Entries in Feeds
    Set the number of entries you want to display in feeds.
    Feed Types
    Specify the styles of RSS feeds you want to use.
    Maximum Feed File Size
    Set the maximum file size you want to use for your RSS feeds.
    Show Author Email in Feeds
    Select this to display the author's email address in RSS feeds.
    Full Entries
    Select this to display full blog entries instead of excerpts on your blogcast site's main page.
    Enable previous and next entry navigation
    Select this option to show a Previous and Next link beneath an entry. This allows site visitors to navigate entry-by-entry and can encourage people to stay on your site longer.
    Gather User Feedback
    Select to include a survey where visitors can rate your entry.
    Replace "--" with "—" in Entry Body
    Automatically convert two hyphens (--) to an em dash (—)
    Enable Emoticons
    Allow emotions to be added to entries and comments.
    Enable Firefox Spell Checker
    Add a spell checker that underlines misspelled words and offers suggestions if the author right-clicks on the word. This will function when composing an entry or adding a comment to your blogcast site.
  7. Click Apply.

For additional information on working with your Quick Blogcast entries, see Managing Quick Blogcast Entries.