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Last Updated: November 12, 2008 9:19 AM

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of visits that originate from outside your site, land on a page, and exit from the same page before visiting other pages. This identifies pages with content that does not meet the expectation of those landing on it, perhaps due to inaccurate search terms.

Daily Page Views

Daily Page Views show the number of times each page has been accessed. This report is useful in determining the number of times pages are viewed by visitors and the general amount of traffic on the site.

NOTE: Page views represent each time a single page is accessed, whereas hits can represent multiple items (images, charts, plug-ins) accessed within a single page view.

Page Requests

The Page Requests report identifies the number of times a specific page in the site was requested and the average amount of time spent on the specified page. This report is helpful in determining the most popular pages in the site.

NOTE: Pages with dynamic content may be high on this list because the report only looks at the HTML page, not a specific ASP or PHP page.

Entry Pages

The Entry Page is the first page a visitor viewed on the site. Entry pages are usually a home page or a page that generates a substantial amount of views as a result of a link from an outside site.

Exit Pages

The Exit Page is the last page the visitor viewed before leaving the site. If the home page is prominent on this list, the site may not seem inviting to visitors.

Conversion Summary

The Conversion Summary overviews the success of a specific Ad ID based on lead and invoice conversion success. An conversion occurs when a visitor completes a desired actions such as buys a product or signs up for a newsletter.

Conversion Detail

The Conversion Detail report documents each real-time hit (Standard, Lead, and Invoice) a particular Ad ID receives. The report displays specific information regarding the conversion, such as the visitor's IP address, the exact time of the visit, and the search terms that lead to the visit.

Most Popular Day

The Most Popular Day report identifies the day of the week that the site received the highest number of visitors within the specified date range.

Most Popular Hour

The Most Popular Hour report identifies what hours of the day the site received the highest number of visitors.

NOTE: Report time formats vary, depending on chosen account options. All Linux hosting accounts report Mountain Standard Time (MST), as do Windows hosting accounts with Real Time Stats enabled. Windows hosting accounts not using Real Time Stats report Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


A goal is the final destination page you want your visitors to view. Each goal has a pathway of pages leading to the destination page. The Goal Report displays summary information for all the pages in your pathway.