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Server Reports

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Last Updated: April 3, 2007 10:04 AM


The Sessions report provides information on visitor behavior while they are in the site. A browser session is any period of time between when the visitor enters and exits the site. As such, a single visitor may record multiple sessions.


The Hits report identifies the number of times any item or specific page in the site is requested or accessed by visitors. This report is useful in determining the total number of times pages, or files within a page, are requested in a given period. The number of hits is almost always greater than the number of page views and visitors to the site.

File Requests

File Requests identifies the number of times a specific file (image, document, template, etc.) in the site is downloaded by visitors. This report is useful in determining what pages within the site are most often visited and if any of the pages requires a substantial amount of time to load in the visitor's browser.

File Bandwidth

The File Bandwidth report lists the files on the site that consume the most bandwidth. The bandwidth calculation is generated by multiplying a file's size by the number of times it is downloaded. This report is useful in determining which files may need optimization.

File Types

The File Types report identifies the number of times a file type (image, document, template, etc.) in the site has been downloaded by visitors. This report is useful in determining what pages within the site are most often visited and if any of the pages requires a substantial amount of time to load in the visitor's browser.

NOTE: GIF and JPG are the most common graphic (image) files supported by Web browsers. HTML (sometimes abbreviated HTM), ASP, and [directories] all represent actual pages.


The Bandwidth report summarizes the amount of bandwidth the site consumed during the given date range. Values are expressed in either Kilobytes or Megabytes, depending on bandwidth used. This report is useful in comparing the actual bandwidth required by your site with the amount of bandwidth allocated by your hosting plan.


The Errors report indicates if any of the pages on the site triggered errors during the specified time period, including 404 ("Page Not Found" errors). If errors are detected, the report displays the file(s) in question and the number of errors generated.