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Visitor Reports

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Last Updated: February 12, 2009 2:55 PM


The Visitors report shows the number of visits and visitors to the site. This report is useful in understanding the amount of traffic to the site.

Most Active Visitors

The Most Active Visitors report identifies the most frequent or active visitors to the site according to their IP address. Visitor location is marked with a red "X" on the map portion of the report.

NOTE: The map portion of the report displays location and not density. Multiple visits from the same general region may be represented with a single "X".

In addition, visitors are listed individually by IP address and host name. Clicking on the IP address brings up a Visitor Detail Report showing the visitor's ISP, geographical location, and activity statistics.

The Most Active Visitors report is an effective way of gauging the relative value of advertising or identifying markets that generate a large number of visitors to the site.

Visitor Detail

NOTE: The Visitor Detail report is available only by running the Most Active Visitors report and clicking on a visitor IP address.

This report shows detailed information about a particular visitor to your site, including their ISP, geographic location, number of hits, and number of page views. This report provides valuable information for use in honing your Web site marketing efforts.

Visitor Paths

The Visitor Paths report shows visitor behavior on the Web site by displaying the page-by-page clickstreams taken by visitors. The clickstream represents the path taken beginning with the entry page and ending with the exit page. This report is useful in determining the most popular pages in the site and can be used to streamline the path needed to access popular features of the site.

NOTE: This report defines a page as any document with the file extension: .htm, .html, or .asp. If the site contains dynamic pages or forms, these are not included in the path.


The Browsers report identifies the most popular Web browsers used when visiting the site. The report is useful in designing and configuring the site for optimal viewing by visitors.

NOTE:When a Web browser requests access to the site, it typically identifies itself in the request. However, some browsers do not identify themselves when making a request to the Web server; these are classified as Unknown
A crawler is an automatic program that searches the Internet. When a crawler makes a request to the Web server, it is identified as an Unknown Crawler.

Operating Systems

The Operating Systems report identifies the operating system running on the computer used to access the site. This report is useful in determining how to handle operating system compatibility issues and in deciding whether to provide downloads in formats unique to a particular operating system.

NOTE: When a request for access is made to the Web server, the requesting computer usually identifies its operating system. However, not all computers will identify this information when making a request to the Web server; these are classified as Unknown.


The Countries report indicates the country of origin of visitors to the Web site. Site Analytics determines the location by examining the visitor's IP address. The geographical user information enables you to build site content and ad campaigns targeting particular countries.


The Regions report identifies the region and country of visitors to the Web site. The geographical user information enables you to build site content and ad campaigns targeting particular regions of a country.