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Deleting Preferred Senders

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Last Updated: June 19, 2008 10:34 AM

When preferred senders are enabled, you can view your Inbox as tabbed or sorted. The sorted view displays messages from preferred senders at the top of your message list. The tabbed view displays your message list as three tabs. The first tab displays all of your messages, the second tab displays only messages from preferred senders, and the third tab displays only messages from senders not designated as preferred. If you disable viewing for preferred senders, messages from your designated preferred senders display normally in your email message list. To remove a sender from the preferred senders list, you must delete them from the list.

To Delete a Preferred Sender

  1. From the Settings menu, select Preferred Sender.
  2. In your list of Preferred Senders, click the Delete icon for the email address you want to remove.