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Designating Preferred Senders in Web-Based Email

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Last Updated: June 19, 2008 10:34 AM

You can designate email addresses or contacts from your address book as preferred senders in your Web-Based Email account.

To Designate a Contact in your Address Book as a Preferred Sender

  1. From the Address Book menu, select View Address Book.
  2. In your list of contacts, click the Edit icon for the contact you want to update.
  3. On the Edit Contact page, select Make this user a Preferred Sender, and then select an icon from the icon list.
  4. Click Update Contact.

Repeat these steps for other contacts that you want to designate as Preferred Senders.

To Add a Preferred Sender by Email Address

  1. From the Settings menu, select Preferred Sender.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. In the From field, enter the email address of a person you receive email messages from whom you want to designate as a Preferred Sender.
  4. From the Icon list, select an icon to display for this preferred sender.
  5. Click OK.

To Add a Preferred Sender by Email Address from Your Message Details View

  1. From the message list in your Inbox, open an email message from a sender that you want to add as Preferred.
  2. In the Message Detail area, next to the From field, click Add as Preferred Sender.
  3. In the Preferred Sender window, verify the email address is correct and select an icon to display for this preferred sender.
  4. Click OK.