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Viewing Tasks

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Last Updated: November 12, 2008 8:58 AM

You can view a list of your Calendar tasks and sort the order in which tasks display. If tasks display on multiple pages, you can advance to another page.

To View Tasks

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Tasks.

    NOTE: You can view a list of upcoming tasks above your calendar view. For more information see, Viewing a List of Upcoming Events and Tasks.

To View Tasks on Another Page

Do one of the following:

  • From the Jump list, select the group of tasks you want to view.
  • To view the next group of tasks, click Next.
  • To view the previous group of tasks, click Previous.

To Sort a List of Tasks

Sort by one of the following:

Sort the list alphabetically by task description.
Attachment (paperclip image)
Sort the list by file attachment.
Sort the list by the status of tasks.
Sort the list by the priority assigned to tasks.
Start Date
Sort the list chronologically by the date and time tasks begin.
Due Date
Sort the list chronologically by the date tasks end.
% (percentage)
Sort the list numerically by how complete tasks are.

NOTE: Click a column heading again to reverse the order of the list.