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Scheduling Tasks

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Last Updated: October 8, 2008 3:29 PM

Through Calendar, you can schedule and track tasks that you need to complete. When you schedule a task, you specify the priority you want to associate with the task, such as high or low priority, and you specify the start date and due date for the task. If necessary, you can type a description for the task.

To help you track the completion of tasks, you can assign a percentage to a task to indicate how complete the task is. For example, when you begin a task, you set it as being 10% complete, and as you get closer to completing the task, you specify it as being 70% or 80% complete.

You can view your tasks by clicking the Tasks button on the navigation bar.

To Schedule a Task

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Tasks.
  3. Click Add Task.

    NOTE: You can also click the Add Task button in your Upcoming Tasks view.

  4. In the Task field, type a description of the task.
  5. From the Priority list, select the priority level you want to assign to the task.
  6. From the Percent Complete list, select a percentage based on how complete the task is. For example, if you have just begun a task, you may want to select 10% to indicate the task is 10% complete.
  7. From the Start Date lists, select the start date and start time for the task.
  8. To set a due date for the task, select Due Date, and then select the date and time that the task is due.
  9. In the Description box, type a description of the task.
  10. Click OK.