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Accessing Your Online File Folder

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Last Updated: September 23, 2008 10:09 AM

If you have associated your Online File Folder with an email account, you may access your Online File Folder through your email account.

To Access Online File Folder Through Your Email Account

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your user name and password for your email account and click Log In Now.
  3. Click the Online File Folder hyperlink in the navigation menu above your Folders list.
  4. Enter your user name and password for your Online File Folder and click Log In Now.

If you have elected to not associate your Online File Folder with an email account, you can access Online File Folder directly through the Internet, through Web Folders (WebDAV), through an FTP client or Windows XP.

To Access Online File Folder From the Internet

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your user name and password you created in the Online File Folder set up process and click Log In Now.

For information about accessing your Online File Folder through Web Folders (WebDAV), see What are Web Folders (WebDAV) and how do I use them with Online File Folder?

For information about accessing your Online File Folder using an FTP client, see Accessing Your Online File Folder Using an FTP Client.

For information about accessing your Online File Folder using Windows XP, see Accessing Your Online File Folder Using Windows XP.