Frequently Asked Questions

Working with the Domain Manager Articles

Update Contact Information              

It's important to keep your domain names' registrant, administrator, technical, and...

Alan Adınızın Yönlendirilmesi

Hesabınızın 6'nın üzerinde alan adı varsa Liste Görünümünü...

Managing Domain Name Account Administrators

Instead of this feature, we recommend using our new tool - Account Access . For more...

Forwarding Your Domain Name              

If your account has more than 6 domains, you should see the List View , which...

Unlock Domains

We keep your domains locked to keep them secure. Locked domain names cannot be...

Downloading Exportable Lists in the Domain Manager

When you create an exportable list, we send you an email message to notify you when...

Unlock Expired Domains

Unlocking your expired domain name is easy. Log in to your Account Manager. Next...

Creating Exportable Lists in the Domain Manager

In the Domain Manager, you can export lists of your domain names. When you create an...

Protecting Your Domain Name

Your domain name's settings control many of its uses from your email to accessibility...

Becoming a Domain Name Account Administrator

As a domain name Account Administrator, you can manage other users' domain names from...

Managing Domain Name Preset Profiles

Preset Profiles let you select a combination of preset attributes that you can...

Accessing the Domain Control Center

From the Domain Manager, you can manage all of your domain name's settings and...

Unparking (Activating) Your Domain Name

Once you determine which hosting provider to use, you must change the nameserver...