Frequently Asked Questions

Blogging/Podcasting Articles

Upgrading Your WordPress Installation to a New Version

There are several steps to upgrading your WordPress® installation. Your first...

Install WordPress

WordPress® is a personal publishing platform, or content management system, that...

Fixing Permalink Issues with WordPress

If you have a problem with your WordPress® installation's Permalinks, you can...

Logging in to WordPress

If you set up WordPress, you obviously want to use it. No matter how or where you set...

WordPress: Change Domain, Hosting, or Directory Troubleshooting

If you do something that changes the URL of your WordPress® site, you need to...

Enabling WordPress Multisites

WordPress® 3.0 offers a new feature called Multisite that lets you host multiple...

WordPress: Fixing Common Security Vulnerabilities

If your site uses WordPress, you'll need to make sure you fix it whenever new security...

Why is WordPress unable to connect to my database during install?

If you are getting an "Error establishing a database connection" message when trying...

Troubleshooting Common Issues in WordPress

WordPress® is one of the most commonly used blogging applications. While it's...

Changing Your WordPress Domain Name

If you want to change your WordPress® site's domain name, you can use your...