Frequently Asked Questions

SSL FAQ Articles

Which browsers and devices are your SSL certificates compatible with?

The following browsers and devices work with our SSL certificates. This means users...

Why do you require a 2048-bit key for my CSR?

Due to the increasing computing power available to decrypt SSL certificates, the...

How does ICANN's New gTLD Program affect my SSL certificate?

In 2011, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) launched the...

What If I notice a problem with an SSL certificate?

Secure certificates are targets for different types of attacks and malicious behavior....

What happens when my certificate expires?

If you allow a certificate to expire, the certificate becomes invalid, and you will no...

Information About Requiring the SHA-2 Hash Function

All SSL certificates using the old SHA-1 hash function need to be re-keyed to use the...

Does COMPANY_NAME support third-party SSLs on its products?

Our third-party SSL support varies depending on the product. Keep in mind, by...

What is a Premium Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate?

A Premium Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate is a digital certificate issued in...

What Is the encryption strength of your SSL certificates?

All of our SSL certificates support high-grade 256-bit encryption. The actual...