Frequently Asked Questions

Transferring Away from Melbourne IT

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Last Updated: May 22, 2015 11:28 AM

Before you can transfer your domain name registered with Melbourne IT to us, you need to prepare your domain name so it will successfully complete the transfer process.

If your domain name is not registered with Melbourne IT, visit Transferring Your Domain From Another Registrar for a list of other registrar's transfer instructions.

To Transfer Away From Melbourne IT

1. Verify that Your Domain Name is Transferable

To make sure your domain name can be transferred, confirm that:

  • The domain name has been registered for at least 60 days, and has been at Melbourne IT for at least 60 days.
  • The domain name contact information hasn't been changed within 60 days.

NOTE: Some registrars prevent domain names from transferring away if the contact information associated with a domain was updated within 60 days.

2. Confirm Administrative Contact Information

The administrative contact (admin) is one of the four contacts listed in the Whois database for a registered domain name. As part of the domain name transfer process, we email the administrative contact at the address listed in the Whois database. The email contains the Transaction ID, Security Code, and instructions that are used to approve the transfer.

NOTE: If your domain name has private registration, a service that hides your personal information from the public, you cannot verify your admin email address in the Whois database. You must contact your current registrar to cancel the private registration, and then you can update the email address, if necessary.

To update the Administrative contact at Melbourne IT, do the following:

  1. Log on to your account at Melbourne IT.
  2. From the Domain Names section, click View/Manage Domain Names.
  3. Click the domain name you want to transfer.
  4. If the admin contact information needs to be updated, click Change Contact Details, and then click Go to Advanced Mode.
  5. Update your admin contact information, and then click OK.

3. Obtain the Authorization Code (Registry Key)

Get an authorization code (also known as an EPP code or registry key) from your current registrar, if required. Some domain name extensions, primarily country-code top-level domain names (ccTLDs), do not require an authorization code.

To obtain the authorization code from Melbourne IT, do the following:

  1. Log on to your account at Melbourne IT.
  2. From the Domain Names section, click View/Manage Domain Names.
  3. Click the domain name you want to transfer.
  4. In the Domain Details section, click view Domain Name (authinfo) Password.

4. Unlock Your Domain Name

Before you can transfer a domain away from Melbourne IT, the domain must be unlocked. Locking is a feature most registrars offer to prevent unauthorized transfers (hijacking) of domains.

If a Melbourne IT reseller manages your domain name, you must contact that reseller to arrange to unlock your domain name. A fee for this service may apply.

To unlock your domain name, do the following:

  1. Log on to your account at Melbourne IT.
  2. From the Domain Names section, click View/Manage Domain Names.
  3. Click the domain name you want to transfer.
  4. From Domain Details, click Unlock Domain Name.

Allow up to 24 hours for our system to recognize the status change. If you attempt to respond to the transfer approval message before our system recognizes the status change, the transfer will fail.

5. Purchase a Domain Name Transfer

Purchase a domain name transfer from our website. If the extension you want to transfer is not listed, you cannot transfer the domain name to us.

When you purchase the transfer, select one of the following nameserver options:

  • Keep the existing nameservers... — If you have a hosted website for your domain name (with us or another company), select this option to ensure that your site does not go down during the transfer.
  • Change ... to park nameservers — If you have email with us for the domain name, are using our Off-site DNS, or created a Premium DNS transfer template prior to the transfer, select this option. For more information, see Managing Domain Names with Off-site DNS and Creating Transfer Templates in Premium DNS.

6. Authorize the Domain Name Transfer

When you have successfully prepared your domain name to be transferred, see Transfer domain to COMPANY_NAME for information on completing the domain name transfer with us.

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