Frequently Asked Questions

Rewriting .htaccess Files for SEF URLs in Joomla!

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Last Updated: July 21, 2015 2:01 PM

To enable Search Engine Friendly (SEF) URLs in Joomla!®, you must first enable RewriteBase in your .htaccess file.

To Rewrite .htaccess Files for SEF URLs in Joomla!

  1. Create a copy of your Joomla! installation's .htaccess file. For more information, see Duplicate files or folders.
  2. Rename .htaccess_copy to .htaccess.bak. For more information, see Managing Your Hosting Account's Files.
  3. Using your hosting account's editor, open your .htaccess file.
  4. Locate the following line of text, and then delete the #:
    # RewriteBase /
  5. Save your changes.

You can now enable SEF URLs. If you need more help, see Enabling Joomla! Search Engine Friendly URLs.

If you encounter any issues, you can use .htaccess.bak as a backup of your .htaccess file.